Warm Kale Quinoa Salad

Posted by Pussycat in Main Dishes, Salads | Tagged , | Leave a comment

I hope everyone is coping with this crazy way of life and I hope all of you are doing your part, staying home as much as possible and ‘sheltering in place’, staying safe and healthy… or weathering the virus if you’ve been unfortunate enough to have to deal with it.

I have to say that even though I’m not extraordinarily social to begin with and often choose to stay at home… I have certainly felt the effects of the mandated stay at home order. It’s been about 2 months since we’ve socialized with anyone. And even though it’s not something that would bother me, I miss family diners, I always love having family over and cooking and sharing a meal. Certainly it’s easy enough to catch up over the phone and I have been keeping up with these close to me. As nice as it is to keep tabs on folks from afar, I miss the in-person meals.

Since it was my sister-in-law’s birthday this past week we decided to have my in-laws over for dinner…. it was a small group, we kept it intimate and there were just the 6 of us. Trust me when I say this is definitely on the small side, Passover/Easter dinner would have been 20+ but we cancelled those plans pretty quick. This mealtime was definitely a departure from the norm.

On the Covid front, our province, Manitoba is doing quite well and we are not seeing increases as of late and our numbers have been pretty low. We figured we could let our guard down in a small way and have a very small gathering. Only with those others that are also very careful to have been sheltering in place so 6 seems a good number for the time being.

One of my sisters-in-law is vegan and so with burgers and matchstick fries that my husband loves so much I made this salad as a main for her. It was inspired by my favourite warm kale salad at Earl’s who don’t seem to have it anymore, at least I haven’t seen it, and we haven’t been there in quite some time. As I recall they dress it and use regular potatoes but this one doesn’t seem to need any dressing and I used sweet potatoes as a healthier option. Theirs also has Brussel sprouts which I didn’t add but definitely they would make a good addition (roasted on their own then added).

In the spirit of being kind to yourself… none of these ingredient quantities are carved in stone…. add or take away as you like or have available…. it should be inspiration…. and be flexible much as we have had to be…. and if you happen to make it this particular way I promise deliciousness!

It seems like a little bit of work but really it’s just a couple of ingredients that need to be cooked separately that times a bit of coordination. However, it is worth every minute so if you have a vegan in your life, or even if you don’t, this one is a definite must try.

Warm Kale and Quinoa Salad – Vegan

  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 garlic cloves crushed
  • 2-4 tablespoons (splashes) of olive oil – use for quinoa and sweet potatoes and kale
  • 1 large bunch of fresh kale
  • 2 cups sweet potatoes diced
  • 1 small jar of slow roasted tomatoes recipe found here or you can use sun-dried tomatoes (about 250 ml)
  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries (I just put an handful)
  • 1/2 cup slivered almonds (again, just a handful)
  • 1/3 cup hot pickled eggplant (optional)

First get the quinoa going with the water and once it’s bubbling set to simmer for 15 minutes – then let sit uninterrupted for 5 before you fluff with a fork.

While the quinoa is cooking put the diced sweet potatoes on a pan and toss with the olive oil, place in oven on broil turning and tossing occasionally until browned and crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. This should take about 10 – 15 minutes.

Put a splash of olive oil in a fry pan with the crushed garlic and fry on low to medium heat until fragrant. Rinse and rough chop the kale and add to the garlic and pan fry until the kale softens a bit, about 5 minutes.

Once the quinoa is cooked place in large bowl with the kale and sweet potatoes. Chop up the tomatoes and add to the mix, also add the cranberries and almonds and eggplant if using. I have the pickled eggplant around because I add it to other things, I find it’s a nice ingredient to have around for adding to salads like this but if you don’t have it don’t worry, the salad would be fine without it.

Cover and keep at room temperature until ready to serve. I find this salad doesn’t need any kind of dressing and is fine on it’s own. I would have probably added crumbled feta cheese if I weren’t serving it as a vegan dish so that’s something you can also add if you like.

Liquid Gold Bone Broth

Posted by Pussycat in About Me, Main Dishes | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Keeping myself busy lately is something I’ve been focusing on since I, like most everyone else have significant time on my hands.  One of the things I decided to do was research further into a topic that caught my interest quite a while ago but I let lapse; fasting.  First time I really heard about fasting was when my daughter mentioned it to me a couple of years ago and I have to admit I was a little horrified. The thought of intentionally NOT eating is not something I was used to having heard all my life about how you decrease your metabolism when you don’t eat, and while this may be true for your body when you’re on a diet (explains the yoyo dieting) research has shown that the same isn’t true for fasting. Hmmmm….   

My eldest had a significant illness over fifteen years ago and though she came through the event it has certainly not always been without consequence, some I’m sure she doesn’t even share with me anymore. At any rate it was a couple of years ago that she came across the idea of fasting as a way of forcing your body to fix itself.  I remember when she told me about this it was as she was coming over for dinner and told me she hadn’t eaten all weekend.  My reaction was less than helpful I’m sure though I can’t remember my exact words. What she was talking about was specifically autophagy wherein your body cleans up all the dead cells and debris in your system when you’ve stopped keeping it busy digesting food. Sounded interesting but not eat?  Really? Are you sure?

As an aside my husband is someone who is always whatever he wants, while typically healthy, he never stays away from all the junk food he loves, and yet never really struggled with weight and had health issues, no muscle issues or any other issues. I on the other hand have been suffering with muscle issues my whole adult life; as well as migraines add to that over the last few years I’ve been struggling with my cholesterol and increased A1C.  It never seemed fair and I’ve always wondered how someone got so lucky with his or her genes. Genes is what I attributed it to given his mother was healthy and full of energy right up until she had a stroke just prior to her death at 93.  Now I wonder, is it genes or could they have been doing something I was not. Certainly not scientific by any means it was definitely something I was interested in looking into some more.

My mother-in-law pretty much ate simple unprocessed food most of her life and from what I understand she didn’t eat much that was processed. Interestingly my father recently (last few years) seems to have lost interest in eating. He seems to subsist on very little food and seems to be doing fine. Is he instinctively allowing his body to maintain itself? While no one of these factors made me seriously consider fasting they were all definitely factors in seeking more information and having done that I’m interested in giving this a valiant effort.

Housebound at my computer I have serendipitously come across some fasting information and find myself now digging into all sorts of research about fasting.  There are a couple of people I really have found fascinating, one of them being Dr. Jason Fung who is a nephrologist in Toronto, Canada.  He has done significant work in reversing the effects of and type 2 diabetes in many of his obese patients and has numerous videos online explaining how the body actually works and the results of all his research regarding fasting. Some of his information can be found here and here though certainly you can Google him yourself. Though he has several books much of the information can be found free online including YouTube. The other person I’ve also been checking out Thomas DeLauer who has numerous YouTube videos on fasting, not exactly a medial expert like Dr. Fung but still helpful.

I could talk about my interest in fasting for pages here and I’m sure you would get completely bored with me.  And who am I, certainly no authority.  I will tell you that we have been doing this for a week now, alternate day fasting (ADF) and have three fasting days under our belts.  My husband finds this easy since he’s used to eating only ‘one meal a day’ (OMAD protocol) though he never did it as part of any plan it was just how he was used to structuring his eating.  Having said that his “plan” also allowed for significant junk food in the evenings; something we aren’t doing currently.  I’m finding it manageable.  I’m not nearly as hungry as I thought I would be and have come to understand that hunger comes and goes in waves.  My biggest surprise is that having NOT eaten all day I’m fine going to bed and sleeping soundly without any issue and don’t wake up hungry the next day.  

The one thing that has made this manageable is that our fasting, according to Dr. Fung, allows for a cup of home made bone broth or what I call liquid gold on fasting days and so I have made some incredible bone broth. It is definitely a million times better than any stuff you buy and super easy to make, especially now when you’re sitting at home all day anyway. 

Liquid Gold – if you haven’t made it before you should try it now for sure.  What else do you have to do? 🙂 This recipe leave a LOT of room for variation so add what you would normally want to put in soup.

Scratch Made Bone Broth

  • As many bones as you have – I collect chicken, turkey, beef and/or pork bones leftover from meals and freeze them in bags marked for soup. I also buy beef marrow bones for our dog as a treat and usually have them in the freezer – these are fantastic for this.
  • Various vegetables – carrots, celery, onions, garlic, parsnip, ginger, a pepper or two (red, yellow or green), lemon (if you like)
  • Place meat bones on a pan and roast or broil in the oven until almost brown
  • Add vegetables starting with the ones that take longer to cook: onions, celery, carrots, garlic, parsnip, then the peppers if you like, sprinkling a little olive oil on them.  Allow roasting for 10 minutes or until they are browned, caramelized a bit. Check on this frequently as it can burn very quickly and you don’t want that, you want a nicely browned tray of meat and veggies*.
  • Remove all bones and vegetables from oven and add to a large stockpot or instant pot.  Add some bay leaves, peppercorns, salt and 2 teaspoons or so of apple cider vinegar* and fill with water.  Bring to a boil and simmer 3-6 hours or pressure cook for an hour.  If you are simmering on the stove, make sure you check frequently adding water as it evaporates. It shouldn’t be boiling but just a low easy simmer.
  • Allow cooling then strain and place in jars. The fat will harden at the top and will be easy to scrape off and remove before eating and it creates a nice seal in each of the jars.  Kept this way I’ve found the jars to keep for at least a week in the refrigerator or you can choose to freeze if you want them to last longer. 

*You can leave out the roasting of the bones and veggies but the flavour is really intensified if you include that step.

*The cider vinegar helps to extract all the good stuff from the bones but doesn’t really contribute any discernible flavour.

Bon Appetite and stay healthy out there!

Chocolate Chip PB2 Pancakes with Banana Yogurt

Posted by Pussycat in Main Dishes | Leave a comment

Retirement does strange things to a person. I’m finally back. I know it looks like I’ve been gone for a whole year and maybe longer but I really haven’t been, it’s just that a few of my last posts ended up with some kind of bug and had to be deleted, but yes, it HAS been a while.

Seems I have had too much time on my hands to get things done. What’s that saying??? If you want something done quick give it to a busy person??? Clearly I’ve had too much time on my hands and other than marrying off my daughter in a backyard wedding this past fall I’m not sure what happened. Time just seems to have slipped away. I keep saying I’ll get back to this blog…..

Now with the crazy virus making its way around the world things have definitely shifted. Our gym has switched to doing online and virtual classes which are also fun but certainly much harder way to workout for people like me who need someone to keep them honest 😉

It’s definitely a challenge to stay motivated and a lot harder to work hard when no one is keeping an eye one you. Still I have to say that I’ve put in some considerable work these last two weeks, doing WOD’s every morning, showering every day (easy to fall off that wagon for sure!) and finding time to draw in the afternoons. I figured it was about time I also got back here while I have plenty of time to bring this habit back.

Enjoy the Butt View!

Though we’ve been staying up a bit later these evenings watching Outlander we’re doing our best to stick to mealtimes and schedules best we can. Just in case you’re struggling with this here’s a delicious but healthy indulgent reason to get up early for breakfast. Okay, or sleep in and have these for lunch. It’s been a long while since I’ve enjoyed pancakes and these are so easy…. you’re welcome 😉

Scratch Chocolate Chip PB2 Pancakes (adapted from Martha Stewart)

  • 2 cups flour
  • 1/2 cup PB2
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted melted butter or vegetable oil
  • 2 large eggs
  • oil for frying

Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl inclining the chocolate chips. Mix all wet ingredients in second bowl and then mix the dry into the wet and mix lightly. Do no over mix as a few lumps in the mixture are fine.

Heat a large skillet or griddle over medium heat and then add a splash of oil for frying. Give it a minute to come to heat and once hot add small amount of the batter spreading it lightly with the back of the spoon or ladle to round it out. wait until the bottom of the pancakes have browned and the top surface have some bubbles that have burst 1 – 2 minutes. The top should lose it’s shine before you carefully flip them over and cook for another 1 -2 minutes.

You can keep these warm in the oven at about 200 degrees and leftovers can be stored in the freezer and then easily toasted for a quick breakfast.

You can top with syrup or jam or whipped cream…. I chose to smash a couple of bananas and add them to some plain yogurt for a seemingly healthy but indulgent breakfast.

Bon Appetite and stay healthy everyone!

Detox Orange Juice

Posted by Pussycat in Drinks | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

This week it’s back to reality…. no more overeating… over sunning…. 😉 no more relaxing on a beach or free flying in the ocean. A shot of our Cenote dive included below… because the diving was too beautiful not to share. It was the first time we dove Cenotes and I have to say the view almost took my breath away. It is pretty spectacular. This is an unaltered… out of camera… jpg shot.

Following our Dive Master into the light at the Tajma Ha Cenote.

It’s not always easy getting back into the swing of things so I’m starting with this deliciousness I found on Food Monster where Nicole Dunai of Sweet Like Cocoa posted this Carrot Orange pineapple Detox Juice. It is delicious! Especially if you like things that are a bit tart, which I do and so the combination is yummy. It also helps that I have a fridge drawer full of Tangelos… also a house favourite…. and they really elevate this drink.

You can tell a Tangelo orange by the nipple on the top… if you haven’t had them they are like an intense cross between a mandarine and a tangerine. I just discovered these a few years ago and they are only available up here for a couple of months during the winter. As you can imagine I fill up my fridge when they’re available and we eat a LOT of oranges this time of year.

But back to my delicious morning drink. I changed the recipe a bit only because I wanted a single serving and also because I didn’t have one of the ingredients. If you want the original by all means check out Sweet Like Cocoa. 🙂 Lastly, I also added some protein powder because I’m having this before my workout and a couple of carrots and some fruit aren’t enough for me.

Orange Pineapple Detox Juice

  • 1 orange (tangelo is really the way to go if you can)
  • 1 large or 2 small carrots
  • 1/2 Cup or handful of pineapple chunks (I use frozen)
  • 1/2 Cup water
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 scoop of your favourite protein powder
  • pinch of black pepper

Rather than juicing and straining I have a Vitamix and I just put all the ingredients in my blender and let it go for about 90 seconds or until all the pineapple and carrots are blended.

I hope you enjoy the drink…. coming back to cold, dreary, snowy skies makes me appreciate this bright orange, sunny and happy drink even more.

bon appetite!