RAW: Almond – Winnipeg

Posted by Pussycat in Reviews | Leave a comment

A Winter Dining Experience in Winnipeg – On the Frozen Red River

Imagine being bundled up in full winter gear, walking down a frozen river in the darkness. You are starving. You haven’t had much to eat all day. The wind is blowing, your face is freezing and your eyes are watering from the sting of the cold — it’s about minus 25 with the windchill (if you don’t know what that means then you don’t obviously live in Canada). You come upon an illuminated tent that seems to sit in the middle out of nowhere. You were just thinking to yourself, “What the hell am I doing out here?  I must be out of my cotton picking mind!” You don’t dare take off your mitts to unzip the doorway for fear your fingers will freeze on the metal zipper. You are greeted by about a dozen people huddled together in a foyer that will again unzip to a makeshift restaurant on the Red River just off from where it meets the Assiniboine. Is this a mirage? Is this a nightmare? No. This is an amazing dining experience!

I felt at one with the crowd which is something that doesn’t often happen since I tend to stay away from large groups of people — No anxiety issues — just preference. The only other times I remember feeling this way were in years past at The Lake, where you could leave your bicycle out in the borrowed yard leaning against a trailer and where everyone came to relax and enjoy the beautiful weather. That was the place where people didn’t steal your bike, didn’t go inside your home, waved and smiled at you when you walked by and slowed down to let you cross the gravel road. I’m not sure how many places there are anymore where these things are true but it has been my experience that this still exists at The Lake, wherever that is— during any given summer. And now it feels like it also exists in the middle of a frozen river in Winnipeg. Though to be fair I didn’t ride my bike and I didn’t leave it leaning against the tent, so this could be just my perception but I’m going with it.

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I’m not sure exactly what it is about camping that prompts people to be kind to each other, maybe it’s the lack of stress, maybe it’s the perceived struggle of roughing it, maybe it’s the beautiful weather — though rainy days never seemed to bring out the beasts in anyone — or maybe it’s just the fresh air. This kindness and camaraderie was also seemingly present as I sat on a tuft of black faux fur placed on a wooden stump at RAW: Almond at the Forks in what felt like the dead of night… our seating was at 9:30 pm and they were running behind when we arrived.  I would come to understand and appreciate the late seating since we didn’t want our party to end either.

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We were fortunate enough to get tickets to this annual event that is in it’s third year and based on current popularity it will continue for many more. The event is sold out long before anyone not in the know hears about it. Is it the idea of eating in a tent on the frozen river that brings people out? Is it the pride that Winnipeggers feel when they don’t let a small thing like the long cold winter deter them from enjoying a dinner outside? Or … Is it the damn good food?

I personally think it’s all of these things. The eating experience is certainly intensified by the trek onto the frozen river, crouching through a zippered doorway into a makeshift restaurant where staff and visitors alike wear their winter best — you can’t live here and not have a good pair of boots, warm mitts, hat and parka. They then seat themselves either on faux fur covered wooden stumps or the edge of the ice that is carved in the shape of a wine bottle and await a set meal they’ve purchased based on their selection of Chef rather than menu.

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We sat around the long table with pendant lights, our group of six with another ten people at one of four tables. The kitchen staff wore funky metallic bodysuits to ward off the cold that emanated from the ice floor that was covered in rubber mats to keep everyone’s feet from sliding out from under them. Each guest was given a shot of vodka… a little extra boost added to the vents that blow in warm air, the music turned up a bit — “Cheers!” and the party was on.

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I’d love to tell you in delicious detail all about the food we ate but really — that wouldn’t do it justice. Though I did take a few pictures, admittedly not the best quality, you can certainly use your imagination to fill in the blanks. I will say though, that we had a starter of sustainable protein provided by Diversity Foods which included crickets and meal worms and everyone in our group… yes — even the slightly faint of heart — enjoyed the first of the parade of plates that took us about two hours to eat, each more delicious than the next though none as daring as the first. I will admit that though I L.O.V.E. food there was a voice in my head that screamed, “SHUT THE FRONT DOOR” when first I saw and heard our waiter mention meal worms and crickets but I closed my eyes and thoroughly enjoyed every last bite! And I suggest that if you ever find yourself being served this kind of meal on a cold dark night you do the same because it is well worth the ride especially when the Chef is experienced… I harken back to a saying I repeat to others, “You can eat anything and everything — if it is cooked well” and this was cooked amazingly well.

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Our boundaries had been expanded and we were all eager to devour more. Next on the list was slightly cooked Bison Tartar, Sweet Potato Chips with Lentils and Horseradish. The horseradish could have used a more vigorous kick in my humble opinion but I like horseradish to incinerate my nasal passages and burn my eyes and I’d guess I’m the odd woman out as opposed to the norm. It was super yummy nonetheless. The Heirloom Beet Salad drenched with a broth and surrounded pillowy carrot gnocchi was small but hearty and delicious. Then the dreamy Polenta with Chicken Sausage and Smoked Duck with Cilantro and bits of bursting corn – Ah… Mazing. And there was the Elk with Browned Butter and Parsnip Purée… another home run I can’t even begin to describe. Who knew parsnips could be so damn luscious but seriously… a puddle of perfectly browned butter — no diets here because everything is better with browned butter and this was no exception. Lastly, the home made Yogurt, Chocolate Cake with Freeze Dried and Fresh Berries was the perfect… let’s say that again… PERFECT end to a begrudgingly ended evening.

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Though my feet were entirely frozen because I neglected to wear my warm boots and the cold emanating from the ice seeps into you if you don’t guard against it appropriately… I’ll know better for next time. This is an experience not to be missed and it transforms the harsh Winnipeg winter… with a few shots, vodka and Jaegermeister, several bottles of wine and several plates of great food into the best winter camping experience I’ve ever had the pleasure of enjoying. If you haven’t already purchased your tickets or gone to the Red for dinner you are too late for this year. RAW: Almond is wrapping up and we have to wait for the weather to move through spring, summer and fall so that we can once again drink and dine on the frozen river. I’d suggest you beg or borrow or shamelessly steal one of those coveted tickets for next year’s event if you can… you will not regret it. I for one will be seeking out tickets when the first snowflakes fly.

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Raw: Almond on Urbanspoon

BAM Shrimp

Posted by Pussycat in Main Dishes | Leave a comment

IMG_0007 Bam ShrimpI am an oxymoron — a figureof speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in “cruel kindness” or “to make haste slowly.” according to the dictionary and this is what I feel like these days.  I love food and eating different things yet I seem to constantly get into a rut of eating the same thing over and over again.  These two acts are just not congruent.  I can eat the same thing for lunch for weeks on end, it’s easy, it’s mindless and if I like or love something I will make it over and over again rarely thinking even about what I’m eating or preparing to take to work with me everyday.

This is what I have done with these damn BAM Shrimp.  They are so easy and they appeal to my need to ease up on carbs during the winter — okay this particular winter — because I’ve been lazy and my activity level has been plummeting. To combat my inactivity I need to take it easy on carbs or those damn little critters will shamelessly turn into fat and though I can definitely enjoy the meals I’ll be bloated and miserable as the number on the scale slowly creeps me into a depression.

It’s not fair, this getting older, having to watch what you eat.  Though I have never counted carbs I have in the last year tried really hard to not eat that lovely soft and crusty loaf of bread or that bowl of cream laden pasta.  If you are struggling with the same things I seem to be consider this a gift from me to you.  Though I’m certain I’m not the one to have discovered this particular way of eating shrimp I am posting it here to share with you.

I discovered Emeril Lagasse’s BAM Creole Seasoning mix quite some time ago and have recently been putting it on everything.  Maybe I’m missing New Orleans where the spicy foods abound or maybe I’m being lazy and just putting it on everything (like in my previous post Bam Cup of Soup) because the seasoning punch in this mixture seems to make up for the lack of fat and carbs, no matter.  This little treat is so simple and quick it makes for a perfect weeknight meal.

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BAM Shrimp

  • 1 bag of deveined shrimp (thawed and peeled leaving the tail on)
  • 2 tablespoons or more of the BAM Seasoning
  • 1-2 tablespoons flour
  • 2 tablespoons butter (to fry)
  • 1 + 1 tablespoon canola oil (1 added to butter in the pan so that it the butter doesn’t burn and 1 for the shrimp)
  • Sprinkle of salt

Thaw the shrimp and toss with the seasoning, flour and 1 tablespoon of oil, let this sit while the pan heats up (about medium heat) melting the butter and mixing with the oil in the pan. Lay the seasoned shrimp in the hot pan in one layer and let these babies sizzle for 2 – 3 minutes.  Turn them over and cook for a couple of minutes more until they are opaque.  Quickly transfer to a bowl and serve with a wedge of lemon, seasoning with a little salt and serve.  Don’t forget to scrape up the fried bits of seasoning (with the butter) and add that to the shrimp.

These are so yummy you won’t miss the pasta… at least not for today.


BAM Cup of Soup

Posted by Pussycat in Soups | Leave a comment

IMG_0001 Shirataki Noodle Cup of Soup

Do you remember the cups of noodles that you probably ate shamelessly as a teenager? The ones that are full of fried noodles, less than a half dozen pieces of vegetables that are so out of place they stand out and allow you to brainwash yourself into believing that perhaps you’re actually eating something that might be healthy; the ones that only require that you plug in the kettle and pour boiling water and wait? Though the waiting is truly a challenge and I would often burn my tongue slurping it too soon. I loved these noodles. Okay, I still love these noodles or at least I love the memory of them. I always had the spicy version, spicy chicken, spicy beef, but who are we kidding there wasn’t actually any meat in these styrofoam cups. It was the spicy broth and the noodles that always appealed to me as well as the ease and portability of them. You could throw the shrink-wrapped cup in a bag and as long as you could get some hot water you were good to go.

Maybe you’re still eating them but I for one have long past the age where my internal system is able to manage all the salt and MSG that lurks inside and I have been avoiding them for years. That doesn’t mean that I don’t miss them and wish I could still eat them. Yes, it seems I’m still doing some ‘lamenting’ as I was in my last post. Maybe I need to go out and buy myself a convertible, or maybe I just need to get over it. Though I suppose that’s the challenge for many of us and would be why so many people my age are driving some pretty expensive sports cars. You know who you are.

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We’ve seemingly been immobilized by the winter weather lately, hunkered down watching as many of the Oscar nominated movies as we can and the list is amazing this year to be sure. My experience of watching these movies so far has evoked my mother’s voice. “You have to taste it before you decide you don’t like it.” These words also ring true of the movies. You have to watch them before deciding you don’t like them. Granted that may not be true of ALL movies, I think we need to have some latitude here to dismiss some movies though I’m not going to tell you which of those I think they are, I will say that they are not of the ones on the list of this year’s nominations. These words snapped in my head as I reluctantly watched Birdman. It wasn’t even just that I wasn’t much in the mood for that kind of movie, which by the way was not at all what I had talked myself into thinking it was going to be, I wasn’t even actually in the mood to see if it was something that I would like. But I did. Watch it that is. And love it.

Now I’ve seen most of the nominated movies and Birdman is dark and funny and eerie in a way that is not metaphysical or unrealistic but realistic in a way that will follow you for a few days. But don’t take my word for it, try it and see what you think. It happens to be my favourite so far.

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This brings me back to the ‘try it and see before you decide’ comment. I posted Shirataki noodles with Chicken soup before and after moving out butts and getting out on a nicer winter day this soup is pure comfort. The noodles themselves are gelatinous and really pretty flavourless but once you immerse them in a broth that is killer they will bring back memories of your youth though with much less guilty and much less swelling as a result if MSG does that to you as it does me. It’s also pretty simple and just a wee bit more work than boiling water. So simple. So good. So healthy! Also good for Dukan followers everywhere. I’m still going to post the BAM Shrimp but today I needed soup.

Cup of Soup

  • package of ground turkey
  • 1 small onion
  • 2 – 3 Tablespoons (to taste) Emeril’s Essence seasoning*
  • 1 litre of beef broth (salt and fat free)
  • 2 bunches of baby Bok Choy
  • handful or two of chopped cabbage
  • 2-3 kale leaves chopped
  • 1 package of Shirataki Angle pasta noodles

Fry the onion in a medium sized pot in a small drizzle of oil until translucent, about 5 minutes. Add the ground turkey and season with Emeril’s Essence mix, fry until the turkey is cooked through. Add the broth and throw in the vegetables. I use the ones as listed above but any ones can be added depending on your affinity towards certain veggies. Rinse the noodles in a strainer and then add to the mix. I cut my noodles up since they’re a challenging to keep on the spoon if they’re too long and warm everything and eat. I will generally top my soup off with some additional chili paste but you don’t have to, it really depends on how hot you like it and Emeril’s seasoning mix packs a bit of a punch if you use a fair bit like I do.

The thing that is nice about these noodles is that they do NOT disintegrate or suck up a whole bunch of the broth. The lousy thing about these noodles is that they do NOT suck up the broth which means that a) they can sit in the soup as long as need be if you’re making this for the week’s lunches and b) they still won’t taste like much but they contain a whole lot of pure fibre.

*Emeril’s Essence Creole Seasoning Mix (I left out the salt in my mix and generally season with salt to taste)

• 2 1/2 tablespoons paprika
• 2 tablespoons salt
• 2 tablespoons garlic powder
• 1 tablespoon black pepper
• 1 tablespoon onion powder
• 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper
• 1 tablespoon dried leaf oregano
• 1 tablespoon dried thyme

Linzer Cookies

Posted by Pussycat in Sweets | Leave a comment


Gluttony and Leftover Linzer Cookies

IMG_0001 Leftover LinzersI’m not sure what it is that twists us into gluttonous swines during the holidays. Food is so central to the celebrations that we don’t often even enjoy it but rather stuff our faces until we brink on explosion. Our pants get unbuckled and we lay back into our seats be they at home or at a relative’s, we adjust over and over again until we move in such a way that allows even just a whiff of space… only to be filled, overfilled once more with things like cakes and cookies. Every year when we do this… we know…. yet we do it anyway.

I’m not only guilty of overfilling myself during the holidays I am also guilty of overcooking and overbaking, making sure that there is MORE than enough so that everyone struggles to keep their bloated bodies in their clothes. Every year I double or triple cookie recipes to make sure that there is enough, rather, more than enough actually. Maybe it’s the tediousness of such baking that makes me always want to make things in bulk. It just doesn’t seem to make sense to make just a few when it takes so much time and energy. Once you have all the cookies baked why go through the mess of melting chocolate and brushing them for just a few? Then I continue to justify the madness and I think to myself. Why make two dozen when I can make four or six. What if I want to take some to work? What if more people cover over? For god’s sake, what if we run out!? It is madness. It is not rational.

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I’d like to say that it’s my leftover panic, a throwback to the days when I had nothing, this fear of running out. But that isn’t it. Yes, we were certainly poor when I was growing up. We didn’t have much but I don’t ever remember not having food or not having enough. And when I got divorced we didn’t have much either. Though we never ran out of food, it wasn’t that expensive feeding two little girls who didn’t eat much. Christ, I could make a whole turkey last for a week, butchering it and making four different stir fry meals out of the breasts, a huge pot of soup with the carcass and roasting what was left, the roasted pieces alone would last for a couple of days.

I was asked recently by the bloggers of havefruitwilltravel, who are currently in the Czech Republic, to answer some questions about the culture of Czech food. It made me think that even European’s don’t seem to hoard food the way Canadians and North Americans do, what with our monster sized refrigerators supplemented by the freezers most of us have in our basements all bursting with food that frequently gets lost and freezer burnt in a back corner. As far as I’m aware Europeans have always had very small refrigerators, strolling on their way home from work and picking up the evening’s and the next day’s food on their way. I’m sure it was about availability and about space and also about a different way of living and yet they lived through numerous wars and famines you would think they would hoard the way we do. Of course, then again, we don’t know what millions of jars of preserves are hiding in their cold rooms either, maybe they just hoard food differently.

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So today I’m lamenting. I’m lamenting the teenager I once was that didn’t seem to need to overindulge in food, I’m lamenting eating and never feeling bloated or gaining weight and I’m also lamenting eating! I’m on day four of a carb cleanse and I’m constantly being taunted by the few dozen cookies that are lurking in my porch in boxes. Packed away for what I do not know. They are stacked in boxes and as I walk by the big windows leading into the room and see them stacked there I swear they are screaming my name…. I swear they are shamelessly begging to be eaten. In years past we’ve discovered that most of these cookies are also fantastic frozen, maybe they aren’t really as good but when you’ve been living in a food deficit that is synonymous with most of our New Year’s resolutions frozen cookies taste like a dream!

So today I’m posting the Linzer cookie. A smooth, buttery, creamy cookie filled with a tart cherry jam. These are the ones that were my favourites as a kid and they are a staple for Czech Christmas baking though they are not only a seasonal cookie but a year round one. Similar to, but much, much better than the ones that hide in the boxes of bought cookies I used to see in the store. Though not difficult these are as all the other Czech Christmas cookies seem to be, time consuming to make. Time slipped away from me before the holidays and I didn’t get around to posting them but today I am pulling a few out of the box, warming them up, taunting them and giving them a moment of fame, sprinkling them with icing sugar and sharing them with you before I pack them back up and freeze them into silence until my body has adjusted to protein and veggies and isn’t begging me to eat the rest of the entire box. It’s my way of being passive aggressive and once this is done I’ll share with you some of the more nutritious and less carb laden food I’m vowing to eat for the rest of the month. Stay tuned for the BAM Shrimp that’s coming up! Or if your pants are strangling you and you can’t wait then check out my post on Dukan bread — it’s the only bread I’ve been eating for the last three days and for the next month…. almost feels like a cheat!

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Linzer Cookies (altered from my post last year Lemon Linzer Cookies with Cranberries)

* makes about 100 little cookies… not nearly enough!

  • 350 gr flour
  • 140 gr icing sugar
  • 200 gr softened butter (unsalted)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice
  • Tart cherry or Raspberry Jam

Mix all the ingredients together to form a nice soft ball (nothing too fancy here… just easy peasy). Let the dough rest overnight in the fridge or not if you’re dying for some of these today just cool them in the fridge for a couple of hours.

Roll out the dough and cut out half for the bottoms and half with holes for the top. bake on parchment at 180 C or 350 F  for about 5 – 6 minutes. Watch them, if you roll them out fairly thin like I did then they will bake quickly and go from light golden to over-baked very quickly.  Set them aside and let them cool before spreading your favourite jam in-between and placing them together.  I used a tart cherry jam I had hidden away though you can always also use a lemon curd if you like.  Sprinkle with a little icing sugar before serving.

If you’re going to store these that can be done easily in a cold room for a few days or freezer for longer, especially if you make these in bulk like I did. Make sure to separate the layers between wax paper so they don’t stick together.  However if they do because you didn’t think ahead then you will have to eat these… they won’t look as pretty and we wouldn’t want to serve cookies that don’t look pretty!