Czech in the Kitchen

Chocolate Chip PB2 Pancakes with Banana Yogurt

Retirement does strange things to a person. I’m finally back. I know it looks like I’ve been gone for a whole year and maybe longer but I really haven’t been, it’s just that a few of my last posts ended up with some kind of bug and had to be deleted, but yes, it HAS been a while.

Seems I have had too much time on my hands to get things done. What’s that saying??? If you want something done quick give it to a busy person??? Clearly I’ve had too much time on my hands and other than marrying off my daughter in a backyard wedding this past fall I’m not sure what happened. Time just seems to have slipped away. I keep saying I’ll get back to this blog…..

Now with the crazy virus making its way around the world things have definitely shifted. Our gym has switched to doing online and virtual classes which are also fun but certainly much harder way to workout for people like me who need someone to keep them honest 😉

It’s definitely a challenge to stay motivated and a lot harder to work hard when no one is keeping an eye one you. Still I have to say that I’ve put in some considerable work these last two weeks, doing WOD’s every morning, showering every day (easy to fall off that wagon for sure!) and finding time to draw in the afternoons. I figured it was about time I also got back here while I have plenty of time to bring this habit back.

Enjoy the Butt View!

Though we’ve been staying up a bit later these evenings watching Outlander we’re doing our best to stick to mealtimes and schedules best we can. Just in case you’re struggling with this here’s a delicious but healthy indulgent reason to get up early for breakfast. Okay, or sleep in and have these for lunch. It’s been a long while since I’ve enjoyed pancakes and these are so easy…. you’re welcome 😉

Scratch Chocolate Chip PB2 Pancakes (adapted from Martha Stewart)

Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl inclining the chocolate chips. Mix all wet ingredients in second bowl and then mix the dry into the wet and mix lightly. Do no over mix as a few lumps in the mixture are fine.

Heat a large skillet or griddle over medium heat and then add a splash of oil for frying. Give it a minute to come to heat and once hot add small amount of the batter spreading it lightly with the back of the spoon or ladle to round it out. wait until the bottom of the pancakes have browned and the top surface have some bubbles that have burst 1 – 2 minutes. The top should lose it’s shine before you carefully flip them over and cook for another 1 -2 minutes.

You can keep these warm in the oven at about 200 degrees and leftovers can be stored in the freezer and then easily toasted for a quick breakfast.

You can top with syrup or jam or whipped cream…. I chose to smash a couple of bananas and add them to some plain yogurt for a seemingly healthy but indulgent breakfast.

Bon Appetite and stay healthy everyone!