Czech in the Kitchen

Crispy Brussels Sprouts


I have met so many people who say they hate Brussels sprouts.  Do you dislike Brussels sprouts?   I have the easiest recipe that makes them taste wonderful.   So good in fact, that my kids loved them when they were young and continue to love them now!

I have to say though, I’m partial to them.  I love them roasted, barbequed, even raw.  I’ve not liked them steamed so much since they retain so much moisture and I find they are a bit watery for my taste.  But when you toss them with breadcrumbs they are amazing.  And you can add parmesan or other hard cheese or just a bit of salt and you have the best and easiest side dish… or meal if you’re like me and love Brussels sprouts.

I don’t have any measurements for you here. It’s so simple you just follow the instructions and go.  Clean as many Brussels sprouts as you want to make or eat and set them in the steamer on the stove.  Meanwhile, in a frying pan, melt a spoon or so of butter and once that is melted add in breadcrumbs so that they get just slightly moist… start off with a small amount of butter, the breadcrumbs don’t need much. While the sprouts are steaming make sure to stir the breadcrumbs often and keep on low to medium heat, they will toast quickly.  Salt the breadcrumbs to taste and when the sprouts are done to your liking add them to the breadcrumbs and toss.  Serve immediately and enjoy!